Heath Extended Day 3-6 Newsletter
The 3-6 group has spent the last five weeks learning about each of the New England states. For each state, the children learned about and recreated the state flag using felt and craft foam. In addition, the kids learned and created historical landmarks for each of the states. Using clay they created the Bunker Hill Monument for Massachusetts, and with wood sticks and recyclable materials, they built the Newport Bridge (Pell Bridge) for Rhode Island. Did you know that the PEZ factory is in Orange, CT? The kids designed their own PEZ dispensers when learning about this fun fact! Also, for each state, the kids made a recipe unique to that state. They enjoyed everything from waffles with maple-blueberry syrup for Vermont, to Doughboys and Johnny Cakes which both are foods enjoyed by “Rhodeys.” The kids went on scavenger hunts in the cafeteria and outside to find and decode fun facts about each of the states. During these scavenger hunts, the kids learned that the first postage stamp was invented in Vermont and that the Massachusetts state fish was the cod. During our Connecticut unit, the kids were introduced to college basketball, due the UCONN Huskies seven time women’s championship wins and three time men’s basketball championship wins. The kids very much enjoyed having their own basketball tournament in the gym during this unit. We look forward to spending the last week before February vacation learning about Maine, the last of the six New England states. January/February Celebrations… Chinese New Year- The 3-6 kids celebrated Chinese New Year on January 23rd! During this celebration, the kids learned about the history of Chinese New Year, the meaning of the year they were born and cooked a delicious meal of friend rice and egg roles. Each child had to write a kind fortune for a 3-6 friend, which was randomly selected. It was wonderful hearing all the sweet things they had to say about one another. No Name Calling Week- In an effort to recognize no name-calling day, HEDP extended this recognition into a week of team building activities. The kids had team spirit by wearing- hats to “put a cap on name calling,” shirts backwards for, “once you say it, you can’t take it back,” and green for Heath School team spirit. In addition, the kids gave paper links to friends to recognize their kindness and for going about and beyond. The links were put together to create a caring chain. The kids decided to keep up with the caring chain. Each day at meeting, we now read aloud the links that kids wrote for their friends. It is a wonderful way for kids to be recognized and a wonderful way for kids to recognize other for their efforts Super Bowl- The kids cheered on their beloved New England Patriots on February 3rd during the 3-6 super bowl party celebration. The kids, dressed in their Patriots and team colors spent the afternoon decorating cupcakes, cooking, eating traditional super bowl foods, and playing games! They watched a video from the Pats 2002 win that psyched them up for the big game. Despite the Patriots loss this year, the kids still enjoyed the game following along with their Super Bowl Smack Down sheet. Each child had the option to fill out a sheet, answering twenty questions based on their predictions! We had a tie between one of our fifth grade friends and one of our third grade friends, each with fourteen correct. Best of luck to the Patriots next year. Thank you to all the families that donated treats to make the Super Bowl Party a huge success! Valentine’s Day Party- A Valentine’s celebration is set for Tuesday, February 14th. The kids will enjoy games, crafts and candy treats! We would love for them to be in the spirit and wear Valentine’s Day colors! Have a wonderful February Vacation week. We look forward to many more wonderful events and activities planned for March!!