2-3 Newsletter April 2014 We have fulfilled all but one child’s wish day – which is a movie wish day and it will be scheduled during the Month of April. The 2-3 classroom teachers will be returning to writing a monthly newsletter instead of sending out the weekly email as we had been doing with the wish days. We have a number of early release days coming up, so please be sure to pick up your child’s permission slips for the early release days and return both the slips and fees to a 2-3 teacher. Permission slips are due 1 week before all early release days. The children in the 2-3 classroom will participate in a “No Name Calling/Friendship Building Campaign ” during the month of April. April 1st-April 4th: Can’t Take it Back Week – Children will decorate the room with friendship fish and design a mermaid that a number of the children have asked if they can add to the classroom decorations. During the week the children will also start learning about each child’s similarities and differences. During the week children will be encouraged to wear their shirts backwards to help reinforce the message that once you say something, you can’t take it back. April 7th-11th: Put a Cap on Name Calling: All HEDP children are encouraged to wear hats to support the fight against name-calling and bullying. Hats will be worn only during HEDP hours since this is a special HEDP event. April 14th-16th: Take a Stand Lend a Hand: The children will be encouraged to help others and give someone the message the proud praise or kind complement so we can add it to our caring chain. The Caring Chain will be used as a visual reminder of how kind we can be to one another. The entire group will measure how long the caring chain is at 5:30 on Thursday 17th at 5:30 p.m. April 21st-25th: Vacation Week April 28th-May 2nd: We’re all on the Same Team Against Name Calling. Children will be invited to wear their Heath School Spirit Wear and the Colors Green to show we are all on the Same Team. Furthermore, the children will participate in activities that will help them become more aware of how name-calling can be hurtful. SPECIAL DATES TO BE AWARE OF: Early Release Day: April 1st: Hamster Ball Early Release Day: April 9th: Museum of Fine Arts School Vacation Week: No School: April 18th – 25th Early Release Day: April 29th “Frozen Day” Wish List Cleaning supplies Expo Markers Thank you for all that you do! The 2/3 Team